Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Of Circumcision and Tooth Extraction

Today, I accompanied a team of doctors, dentists and nurses in my dad's umpteenth medical mission in far-away Pallas Valley, Vintar town.  I really feel like a 5th wheel in these activities because I have nothing to offer to the patients.

To pass the time I walked around and took some pictures.

You know what they say, 'Summer Time is Circumcision Time.'  And rural Ilocos is no exception as you can see all the young boys lining up to get their pototoys snipped.  I have never seen kids so eager to have their little manoys trimmed than in this place.  It's like they woke up this morning and thought, 'I feel like having a circumcision. Hey, let's go to the doctor and have him make me a man!' Nooh-neeh-nooh-neeh-nooh.

This is a mean picture, but I couldn't help it.  The kids just walk in, put down their shorts and lie on the table.  'Ey, doc, how you doin'? See my pecker?  Care to circumcise me?'

And speaking of the tables, I wouldn't want to be the student who'd have to work on that table next school year.  Imagine all the 'loose ends' that plooped all around it. Ugh!  'Ma'am, anong klaseng eraser 'to?'  'That's not an eraser, iha...'

Another popular thing in med missions are tooth extractions.  I guess oral hygiene is not a priority for farm folk.  Our dentists had a hand full of teeth to extract today. God bless 'em.

And so that wraps up another med mission where yours truly couldn't do diddly-squat for anyone.

I am so looking forward to take up nursing so that I can be useful next time.  

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